Date of last update: October 29, 2024.
The site jeudi13.ch is published by the company Jeudi 13 Sàrl, whose head office is located at the following address: Espace des Remparts 13, 1950 Sion, Switzerland.
The site's publishing director is Mr Christophe Purro.
The site jeudi13.ch is hosted by WIX.COM LTD, whose head office is located at the following address: 40 Port de Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Jaffa 6350671.
The purpose of the jeudi13.ch website is to present the clothing and accessories brands of the Jeudi 13 fashion boutique, dedicated to private customers.
For any question or request for information concerning the site, or any report of illicit content or activity, the user may contact the editor at the following e-mail address: boutique@jeudi13.ch.
Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the present general conditions of use.
The publisher reserves the right to modify the site and these general terms and conditions of use at any time and without prior notice, in particular to adapt to changes in the site through the introduction of new features or the deletion or modification of existing features.
The user is therefore advised to refer to the latest version of the general terms and conditions of use, which can be accessed at any time on the site, before browsing.
In the event of disagreement with the general conditions of use, the user may not use the site.
The publisher uses the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it may at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages thereof in order to carry out updates, modifications to its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper operation of the site.
Connecting to and browsing the jeudi13.ch website implies unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions of use, whatever the technical means of access and the terminals used.
The present general conditions of use apply, as far as necessary, to any declination or extension of the site on social and/or community networks.
For the proper management of the site, the publisher may at any time:
Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet users.
Delete any information that could disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws in force.
Suspend the site in order to carry out updates.
The publisher is only responsible for the content it has published.
The publisher is not responsible for:
In the event of technical or IT problems or failures, or the compatibility of the site with any hardware or software whatsoever.
Direct or indirect, material or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage resulting from the use or difficulties in using the site or services.
The intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the unreliability and lack of security of information circulating on it.
Illegal content or activities using its site, without its due knowledge.
Furthermore, the site does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided.
The user is responsible for:
The protection of their equipment and data.
Use of the site and its services.
Failure to comply with these general conditions of use.
The site may contain hyperlinks to other websites over which jeudi13.ch has no control. In spite of prior and regular checks carried out by the publisher, the latter declines all responsibility for the content that may be found on these sites.
The publisher authorizes the creation of hypertext links to any page or document on his site, provided that these links are not created for commercial or advertising purposes.
In addition, prior information from the site editor is required before any hypertext link is set up.
Excluded from this authorization are sites broadcasting information of an illicit, violent, polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may offend the sensibilities of a large number of people.
Lastly, jeudi13.ch reserves the right to remove any hypertext link to its site at any time, if the publisher deems it to be in breach of its editorial policy.
The site uses “cookies” to process statistics and information on traffic, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the user's comfort. The user may oppose the recording of these “cookies” by configuring his navigation software.
The structure of the site, as well as the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications that make it up, are the property of the publisher and are protected as such by the laws in force in Europe. With the exception of elements expressly designated as royalty-free on the site or by the publisher.
Access to the site does not constitute recognition of a right and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property right relating to any element of the site, which remain the exclusive property of the publisher.
The user is prohibited from introducing data to the site that would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance.